UAS selesai,  biasanya pasti di sekolah ada cara yang namanya Classmeeting. Tahun ini di classmeeting SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang temanya Delta SCARF kalau ga salah kepanjangan dari Sport, Culture, Art, lupa lagi seterusnya. Entar nanya dulu deh ya! wkwk
Classmeeting yang berlangsung selama kurang lebih 4 hari ini ngadain banyaaak banget kegiatan seru, sebutin ya! Ada voli, futsal cewe, basket, menghias tong sampah, catur, tenis meja, English Debate, mading ICC, stand up comedy, akustik, dan puncaknya itu fashion show ICC.Gak ketinggalan juga ada bazar makanan, minuman, dan accessories gitu.

    Seru-seru kaan? :)) Nah disini aku berpartisipasi di lomba voli sama mading ICC aja. Gak salah emang kalau ada yang bilang, "Kekompakan dan kebersamaan muncul dari sebuah pertandingan."
Sebelum main voli, Esthetic do'a bareng dan tos tim. Supaya lebih semangat ya gak! :D
Dengan lawan dari 11 IPA. 2 kita main dalam 3 babak. Kita beda tipis sama lawan, kelas IPA. 2 pun unggul di atas kita. waw Selamat ya Widhaaa dkk! :))

    Sayangnya aku gak update tentang grade tiap2 lomba yang diwakilin kelas aku, jadi gak bisa di share deh semuanya. maaf ya! :D But, awal semester 2 nanti akan diumumin juara2 dari setiap lomba as rewardnya. Jadi penasaraaaan!!

    Oke, tentang mading. Esthetic bener-bener SKS/ Sistem Kebut Sehari, dengan model mading 3D nambah tantangan aja untuk buat dalam waktu yang singkat.
Tema mading 11 IPA. 3 itu tentang bangunan dari Turki. Jadi konsepnya, kalau kita mau baca artikel, tinggal dibuka pintu bangunannya, dan ditarik deh artikelnya.hehehe
Pembuatan mading pun selesai dari jam 9 sampai jam setengah 7an malem, Jadi beberapa Esthetician pada pulang malem deeeh.. :')

    Nah daritadi ngomongin ICC, pasti masih bingung kan tentang lomba ini? Dikasih tau deeeh, jadi ICC adalah sebuah lomba tentang presentasi kebudayaan dari tiap-tiap negara oleh masing2 kelas, dari mulai mading sampai fashion shownya. Keren loh!
Mau sedikit curhat nih, nyari kostumnya enggak mudah loh, kita aja sampe nyari ke Alam Sutera, BSD.Bahkan ada yang nyari2 sampe ke Jakarta. But over all, it has been paid with the performance. Very entertaining!

Mau liat kaya gimana, ini ada beberapa foto-fotonya! masih banyak sih, tapi gak bisa tampilin video pas showtime nya, berkali-kali upload, gakbisa mulu,huah! wkwkwk jadi marah2 kan :Dv

    Oke jreng jreng ini dia! beberapa perwakilan ICC dari masing2 kelas. Belum semua, nanti kalau dapet foto2nya lagi, siap di-update lah!

Kelas XI IPA 2

Kelas XII IPA 1

Kelas X. 3

Kelas XI IPS 2

Kelas XI IPA 3

 Kelas XI IPA 4

Kelas XI IPA 5

Kelas X. 2

Pengumuman juara ditangguhin ke semester depan! kakak-kakak OSIS suka bikin penasaran aja :3 gimana hasilnya? Sampai jumpa di tahun depan guys! 

My Sixteenth Birthday

    Hallo bloggeriones! we meet again on my post.
what date is it? December, 24th? yes!! can you guess whats on this date? anniversary? no!!

Is It Birthday? Yaah!! ;)

    Alhamdulillah, on today, December 24th 2012 im still given this infinite blessing from Allah SWT, The Most Merciful. Now im sixteenth years old. As usual people, i cant be patient to face my birthday. We usually wish something good even great on that day. So do i. Do you know what i wish? na na, thats secret.. :p
but of course, i wish everythings going well.

    Actually, i always wish that someone give me surprice. give me unpredictable and unforgetable gift. i dont wish it is matery, i just want their presence, beside me.

    Ok, today iam really happy. I got some birthday utterance. :') Not only from my shs friends, but also from my jhs even elemantary school friends. how great day it is! They are very kind to me. i love them :)) <3

    There was someone who first said birthday to me, promptly at 12 o'clock. thank you! though i actually want 'you' to say first. But its very impossible, hahaha. so far, so hard ! :D

At the night, i wrote, "Give a miracle to me <3 i wish" and it means, i wish since my birthday, my life becomes better. Everything bad is fixed, and stay away. Disappear. My friendship will be back as before even be better. laff you deeply guys. please, we respectively throw away something bad thinking. Nothings beautiful, nothings wonderful than ours. :''(
Changed to be the bright rainbow. new spirit!
And... i hope i can know 'you' well. 'you' do so. <3

And specially, praise to Allah. He blesses me this loving family. I love you abi, and i miss you so much :'( .could you see, i've been sixteenth. :') be happy there, my prayer always belongs to you. And i more than love to you, umi, noval, rifda, always beside you infinitely... <3

To my best friends, thank you so much for accompanying me. for the motivation and inspiration during this time. laff <3
To all my closest friends, thank you so much you've been my friends. Iam not iam without you all. laff <3

"Whatever you do, do it with sincerity and joyfully then you will get great happiness as a result."
  Dont forget to smile always and be kind! :) they create people love you. ;)


Ssstt! Be Quiet

    This is the story of someone who doesnt want her name to be mentioned.
and this is her story...

    Under the beautiful rainbow. I looked up, there were some colours. From brighter to the darker colours. It was like my life story. There was moment when you up even down.
Specifically, I wanna tell about my love story. Its like the colours of rainbow, and its like a plot in the story.
there were some of my friends asked me the same question,"Have you been in love?" .At the moment, i was quiet, i confused why they asked like that.

    My mind said,"Doesn't everyone have feeling to love or be loved? im too,but why they asked like that?".Someday, i asked them,"Why do you ask it to me?" then they answered,"Nothing, i just want to know,does the girl like you ever think to love someone, you're looked very busy,serious,and focus on your ambition, i never see and hear that you're in love"

    I just smile to hear their answer. Am i like that on their eyes ?
Things that differentiate between me and the other is... my own way when i like someone. i just prefer be quiet, calm down, and let my feeling flows. Im just too shy to say what is on me. I try to pretending that there is nothing hidden though i feel very nervous when near him.

    Im never in love with other, but always have love to other. Even this time i stay be like that.

    "Expressing love isnt with touching physically, but its more pure love with only touching heart"

    And now im falling love with someone that i admire for long time. And in the same my own way, sst! just be quiet, let it flows...



Moon or Star ?

The moon asked,"Do you want to be shining like me?" I answered,"No,thanks".Then the star asked,"Do you want to be shining like me?" I answered,"Absolutely,i want."
And then i said to both,"I want to be shining because of my own self,not because of what the people do to me or who are the people around me." :)